The Never Hero by T. Ellery Hodges
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I am so surprised at how much I love this book! I decided to check this out after reading the little blurb about it. I’d never read any comic type stories, or comics for that matter, and I thought maybe now was the time. Holy cow, now was the perfect time!!
It’s been not even a full 5 minutes since I finished this book, and I am here typing up this review. That’s how much I loved this. The way Mr. Hodges draws comparisons between heroes in comics, heroes in movies, and the type of people many of us wish we could, or hope we would be, was eye opening. This could be because it’s my first time reading a story with a comic type hero, but I found myself struggling to understand, and coming to accept certain ideas and desires, right along with the hero, Jonathan.
If you have any interest in hero stories, this book will NOT disappoint! Read it. Read it now!